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Raspberry Tea 30 filters

Flavoured black tea in foil envelope

High grown tea plantations on the mountains of the Island of Ceylon is home to the best es- tates that produce superior quality tea. Here each leaf is hand plucked and processed accord- ing to the orthodox method to produce a mellow black tea, perfect for processing with natural raspberry extracts, that creates a fragrant, sweet infusion, to be enjoyed iced or hot with the delicacies of sweet food.



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High grown tea plantations on the mountains of the Island of Ceylon is home to the best es- tates that produce superior quality tea. Here each leaf is hand plucked and processed accord- ing to the orthodox method to produce a mellow black tea, perfect for processing with natural raspberry extracts, that creates a fragrant, sweet infusion, to be enjoyed iced or hot with the delicacies of sweet food.

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